A Message From Pastor McClain
To My Father’s Children,
I greet you in the matchless name of our Risen Savior Jesus Christ.
It is with great joy and excitement that we together have spent so many years being a witness to this community as a church. Together we have faced many challenges, experienced growth, strengthened our fellowship, but yet remained faithful to the Lord and His word. By faith we have persevered and are continuing to live out the words of the hymnologist. “A Charge to keep I have, a God to keep glorify…To Serve this present age our calling to fulfill…”
I am thankful and humbled to have served as your leader for these past 36 years. As faithful members, you continue to accept my vision and work with me to make this “Branch of Zion” what it is today. The work is not yet finished, and I am looking forward to greater works for the kingdom.
We shall continue with focus on “Honoring our Past…Building our Future” as constant reminder from where we have come, and our desire to continue moving towards building a foundation for our success for years to come. It is still my hope & vision to build a wing unto our building. This will require additional sacrifice from us all. But I believe just as we’ve worked together in the past to accomplish our goals, we will be blessed to undertake and complete this task.
Again, I thank you Greater Bethel for following the vision that the Lord has given me. We have come this far by faith and are looking forward to continuing the word kingdom building together as “Pastor and People”.
Your Pastor,
Rev. Joe D. McClain
To My Father’s Children,
I greet you in the matchless name of our Risen Savior Jesus Christ.
It is with great joy and excitement that we together have spent so many years being a witness to this community as a church. Together we have faced many challenges, experienced growth, strengthened our fellowship, but yet remained faithful to the Lord and His word. By faith we have persevered and are continuing to live out the words of the hymnologist. “A Charge to keep I have, a God to keep glorify…To Serve this present age our calling to fulfill…”