Greater Bethel Ministries
We hope you will take the time to explore our many church ministries which offer excellent opportunities to learn, grow and serve. We fully embrace God’s vision for us and are truly excited about our renewed commitment to make a positive difference not only in the church but also in the entire world.
God has so graciously blessed us and we trust He will continue to provide all that we need as we move forward.
Greater Bethel Baptist Church Ministries, are people taking next steps together. Join a Ministry and you’ll learn why we believe you can’t do life alone.
Deacon Ministry
Ministry of Music
Ministry of Nursing
Pastoral Staff
Usher Ministry
Youth Ministry
What Should I Expect?
The goal of joining a ministry is to grow in your walk with Jesus around people that can support you in taking your next steps. We believe life is better when you live in community. Ministry opportunities are available for singles, married couples, children, youth, young adults, older adults, coed groups, men, and women. We want to help you find the best fit.
How often do Ministries meet?
Ministries meet on different days and times throughout the week. Some choose to meet every week, bi-weekly, or once a month.
Our Ministries search site has details on the day, time, and how often each Ministry meets.
Need Help?
If you’re not sure where to start, let us know and someone will be in touch with you to help you take your next step in serving.
Weekly Schedule
First Sunday
Holy Communion
Mass Choir
Second Sunday
J.D. Inspirational Choir
Junior Ushers
Third Sunday
Youth Development
Young Adult Choir
Fourth Sunday
Male Chorus
Junior Usher
Fifth Sunday
J.D. Inspirational Choir
Missionary Department
Deaconess Meeting 7:00 P.M.
(After the 1st Sunday)
Male Chorus Rehearsal
(Alternate Mondays)
Deacon Ministry 7:30 P.M.
(Every 2nd Monday)
Word Ministry Class 7:00 P.M.
J.D. Inspirational 7:00 P.M
(Before 1st & 2nd Sunday)
Young Adult Choir
(Before 3rd Sunday)
Pastors Aide Meeting
(Every 4th Friday)
Teachers Meeting 11:00 A.M
(Before 1st Sunday)
Ushers Meeting
(4th Saturday)
All Male Bible Study
Missionary Meeting 1:00 P.M.
(4th Saturday)
Nurses Meeting 4:00 P.M.
(Before 1st Sunday)
Contact Information
Worship Services at
Greater Bethel Baptist Church
305 Morris Ave | Newark, NJ 07103
Sunday School 9:00AM
Sunday Worship 11:00AM
Phone: 973-642-1147
© 2019 Greater Bethel Baptist Church.
Website by KAJ Consulting